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Because I Cant Come Up With My Own Shit

Coming Home (cheesy I know but it’s true)

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I went to church today like I always do every Sunday. But today was a bit different. Why is it different, you ask? It’s simple. I had an enlightenment today. See I’ve been empty spiritually for awhile now. I’ve abandoned the religion I was raised into for the reason that I’m pissed off at the world and that I feel like that God has abandoned me for making me go through all these things I’m going through in my life right now. But today, like I said, I had an enlightenment that would lead me to finally achieving that internal peace I’ve been wanting to have. I’m close to finally filling that spiritual emptiness in me and it turned out that that emptiness will be filled by nothing but the religion I’ve abandoned in the first place.

I dont mean to sound so cliche but I feel like like the proverbial prodigal son coming back home. Now I feel like I’m in the place I want to be spiritually and I’m not conflicted anymore since I’ve managed to connect my choice of lifestyle (Straight Edge) to my chosen religion (Christianity). I know some of my fellow edgers out there would cringe at the thought of me merging the two unrelated ideals together but like I said, I’ve found a connection between the two and I’m at peace right now about it. I’m hoping that this will only lead to something better and it will be the spark I needed to put my life back on the right path.

Written by Jay Encina

October 31, 2010 at 8:26 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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